Supplier Requirements
Dear Supplier,
One of the objectives that CORECO, S.A. sets itself as a daily challenge is the continuous improvement of its capacity to provide its Customers with better service and attention.
In order to achieve this objective, CORECO, S.A. has adapted its internal Management System based on the UNE-EN 9001:2015 Standard, the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 Standard and OHSAS 18001:2007.
The capacity of suppliers is of vital importance to meet the requirements of CORECO, S.A.'s customers; therefore, one of the requirements established by the Management System is the need to evaluate and select suppliers according to their capacity to meet the commercial commitments they establish with CORECO, S.A.
In order to qualify them as CORECO, S.A. Approved Suppliers, they will be evaluated during the year on the basis of the following criteria:
- Cost of the service/product.
- Quality of service/product.
- Speed of delivery.
- Approval for food use.
- Certification according to ISO 9001.
- Documentation provided.
- Incidents detected in the supply or performance of the service.
All incidents or anomalies occurring shall be recorded as Non-Conformities if deemed appropriate.
On the basis of the above, you are hereby informed that you will remain an approved supplier for this year. However, the subsequent establishment of commercial relations on your part will imply that you assume all the requirements specified in our orders or, where appropriate, in the particular conditions established.
Failure to perform (non-conformities) in any of these criteria will result in an assessment that could ultimately lead to de-approval as a CORECO, S.A. Supplier.
Likewise, in compliance with the requirements of the reference standards and as a supplier, maintainer or subcontractor of our company, we inform you of the minimum requirements that apply to the provision of your service.
- The supplier undertakes to guarantee the fulfilment of the purchase order or external work order.
- At all times the supplier is obliged to comply with the legislation applicable to the service he is providing (authorisations or registrations as an authorised entity, technical inspections, etc.).
- The supplier shall implement the necessary preventive measures to avoid dangerous or emergency situations during the performance of the work entrusted to him and shall train and inform his personnel about the work to be carried out on our premises.
- The supplier shall comply with the internal procedures communicated to him regarding the company's Management System.
- If waste has to be removed during the work, it shall be collected in suitable containers in accordance with the
quantity to be removed. Full containers shall be removed by the company providing the service. - If you don't know what to do with any waste or waste effluent or anything else that has arisen
while providing the service, notify the person who attended you. - If he/she detects any risk/emergency situation, he/she shall immediately communicate it to any person of
the company or the person who has looked after you.
- Subcontracts: Prior to the commencement of the service to be provided, the Quality, Environment, Health and Safety and Environment Department will
Our company's Environment and PRL department will indicate the documentation to be submitted/updated according to the
work to be carried out, as well as the subscription of the appropriate data protection registers. - Supplier of supplies: Product data sheets, CE marking of the product, product certificate, product certification, etc.
guarantee and certification according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 or other standards, if applicable. - Installation and/or maintenance of fire protection systems: Company registration
installer/maintenance company, Certification according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 or other standards, if applicable. - Hardware and maintenance providers: Report on company backups,
risk information for the company and certification in accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 or other standards if
the relevant data protection registers and updating of the data protection information.
PRL documentation. - Installation and/or maintenance of air-conditioning systems: company registration
installer/maintenance company, copies of professional licenses of the personnel operating in our installations
and in particular evidence of personal certifications in the handling of fluorinated gases,
evidence of the management of the waste managed during the service and certification according to UNEEN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN.
ISO 9001:2015 if applicable, as well as the subscription of the appropriate data protection registrations.
and updating of the OHS documentation. - Installation and/or maintenance of electrical system: Registration of installation/maintenance company,
evidence of the management of the waste managed during the service and certification according to UNEEN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN-EN.
ISO 9001:2015 if applicable, as well as the subscription of the appropriate data protection registrations.
and updating of prl documentation. - Repair shops: Authorised workshop registration, evidence of waste management of the waste being repaired or reprocessed.
managed during the service and certification according to UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 if applicable. - Other types of suppliers (external prevention service, management and consultancies, among others):
Provide evidence such as those mentioned above that are relevant to its activity and certification according to UNE-ENISO.
9001:2015 if applicable, as well as the subscription of the appropriate data protection registrations.
Yours sincerely.
In LUCENA, 18 December 2018.